Deutsche Version

Webcam Bad Hofgastein

View to the center of Bad Hofgastein (860m). On the left side of the Gasteiner Bundesstrasse you can see the Weitmoser Schlössl, a little above the northern end of the Gastein valley in the direction of Harbach and Dorfgastein. At the left background the "Hochkönig" mountain. In the center of the image the Catholic Church of Bad Hofgastein. A little to the left among, the Alpentherme Gastein with the new unique thermal water bathing lakes. On the top right you can see the Annencafe (1074m), behind it the forest trail leads to the Rastötzenalm (1740m). From here you can hike to the Frauenkogel (2423m), the prominent mountain peak on the right in the picture.

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Airport shuttle & Taxi

Airport shuttle & Taxi