Deutsche Version

Gastein - Prices for pedestrians and ski tours

Tickets for ski touring on the slopes 2024/2025


Winter season Adult Youth
Day ticket € 16,50 € 16,50
Season ticket Gastein
valid: 29.11.24 - 01.05.25
€ 170,00 € 170,00
Available at the Online-Ticketshop 
und ticket offices.

Children can use the routes without
a cable car ride for free.

The piste touring routes on the Graukogel
(without use of the lift) are free.

Various attractive routes are available for piste tourers from beginners to advanced. These are designated and secured routes that lead, well signposted, to the most beautiful viewpoints in the Gastein Valley.

For piste ski tours, a valid piste tourer ticket or a valid ski pass is required!
Included in the ticket are:

  • Valid on the following routes: Sportgastein, Graukogel, Jungeralm, Stubneralm, Sender, Schlossalm Aeroplan, Haitzingalm, Schlossalm-Kamin and Fulseck.
  • Use of parking space
  • Use of the lift in the first section (Schlossalm or Graukogel or Sportgastein or Fulseck)
  • Traces of ascent
  • Ski run
  • Infrastructure
  • No toll or bus included.


Lift tickets for pedestrians in winter 2024/2025


Winter season Adult Gastein
Ascent & Descent
€ 40,00 € 35,00 € 17,50
Ascent & Descent
from 1pm
€ 32,00 € 28,00 € 14,00
Sun card*
valid: 29.11.24 - 01.05.25
€ 145,00    

Reduced prices with limited quotas
in the Online Ticketshop.

Even in winter, pedestrians have the opportunity to travel up and down the mountain!

  • Valid for the Fulseck summit lift, Schlossalm lift, Stubnerkogel lift, Sender lift, Goldberg lift and Graukogel lift with a one time ascent and descent.
  • No toll/bus or taking skis/snowboards etc. included.
  • *valid from 29.11.24 to 01.05.25 with one ascent and descent per day.


Restrictions on age:
Youth: born 2006 to 2008
Child: born 2009 to 2018

Key card deposit € 3,00
The tickets are not transferable.
All prices in EURO, subject to price changes.

Changes and errors excepted!

Aktualisiert am 11.11.2024 

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