Deutsche Version

Safety tips from the police

Information from the police to the skiers in Salzburg:

Welcome to the wonderful skiing areas of Salzburg. You have not only chosen one of the most beautiful, but also one of the safest tourist-territories. The Austrian Police works for you and your safety with the most modern guidelines. To reach a maximum of safety your cooperation is of great importance. Since opportunity makes thieves – prevention increases safety. In most cases unwelcome surprises can be avoided.

Therefor we allow us to give you some advice from the criminal investigation department.

o) Leave your valuables in the hotel-safe
Avoid taking a bigger amount of cash along with you to the skiing areas or into restaurants and pubs. Do not leave valuables and mobile phones in taken off clothes. Use supervised wardrobes.

o) Secure your sports equipment
After sport you should lock up your sports equipment in your hotel. During breaks at the skiing area you should secure your sports equipment with locks. You can buy so-called skisafetylocks, which you can take with you in a very uncomplicated way. With those locks you can secure your skis by attaching them to fixed objects. If you can you should also use available ski-boxes. However, you should always note the series number and the exact description of your skiing equipment.

o) Report to the police
In case of a criminal offence you should report to the police immediately. Also inform us or the landlord/landlady directly about suspicious observations.

Police station Bad Hofgastein: 059133-5142
Police station Bad Gastein: 059133-5143

We wish you a wonderful stay and a safe recreation in the skiing areas of Salzburg!

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