Deutsche Version

Urban Ice 2013

Eiskletterevent in Bad Gastein

Einzigartige Kulisse
Eiswand und Silver Bullet Bar
Ca. 1500 Zuschauer
Bergrettung als Sicherung
Peter Neufang in der Eiswand
Knappe Entscheidung
In der Eiswand
Kopfüber am Ziel
Zielglocke    Foto: (c) Martin Lugger
Georg Santner    Foto: (c) Martin Lugger
Sieger Dennis van Hoek    Foto: (c) Martin Lugger
Sieger van Hoeck, Santner und Neufang jun.    Foto: (c) Martin Lugger
Kronen Zeitung am 01.02.2013
Kronen Zeitung am 02.02.2013

Top Package offers & more

Just relaxing!
from € 484,-

Berghotel Hauserbauer

3 nights with half board, aromatic oil massage, coffee & cake

Wellness - Hikingweek - Children Special
from € 1050,-

Gipfelblick Chalet

Do something for your body and spirit! Enjoy the wonderful mountains in the Gastein valley and the new Alpentherme!

FAMILY SPECIAL with 15 % off the hb & HAPPY KIDS RATES
from € 836,-

Verwöhnhotel Bismarck

from 4 nights 15 % off the hb and kids up to 7 years free, kids 8 to 12 years only € 45,- per day & kids 13 to 14 years € 65,-

Airport shuttle & Taxi

Airport shuttle & Taxi