Deutsche Version

Parkhaus Schlossalmbahn

8x Type 2 charging stations: max. 11kW
in the parking deck: 4x Level 0 | 2x Level 1 | 2x Level 2

Billing system: Salzburg AG

  • Loading / pay with an RFID card from Salzburg AG
  • Charge / pay with smartphone and APP from Salzburg AG
  • Loading / pay with smartphone and direct payment (Visa, Mastercard, Paypal)


Costs dependent on consumption
€ 3.20 minimum if payment is made by credit card or PayPal without a contractual obligation.


You have to bring your own charging cable!

Salzburg AG's charging hotline: +43-662-276276

Parkhaus Schlossalmbahn

Schlossalmplatz 1
5630 Bad Hofgastein

+43 6432 6455


E-charging Type 2 - 11kW

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