Deutsche Version

Bus connections and timetables

Verkehrsbetriebe Lackner
Bad Hofgastein - Badbruck - Center Badgastein - Grüner Baum / Heilstollen and back
Timetable line 555 *

15.12.24 - 13.12.25

Direction Sportgastein change to line 550
* Please note the details regarding seasons on the timetable
Postbus (info on +43 6432 6344 or 051717)
St. Johann/Pg. - Dorfgastein - Bad Hofgastein - Badgastein - Böckstein - Sportgastein and back
Timetable line 550   low season

29.11.24 - 14.12.24

Timetable line 550   high season winter

15.12.24 - 30.03.25

Timetable line 550   high season summer

27.05.23 - 15.10.23


Bad Hofgastein - South - Angertal and back

Timetable line 551   summer

27.05.23 - 15.10.23



Bad Hofgastein train-station and local bus 
Timetable line 558

15.12.24 - 13.12.25



City bus Bad Hofgastein 

City- and hiking bus in summer

17.04.23 - 30.11.23

Ski bus - bus connections to the ski areas and back
Ski bus timetables Winter season 2023 / 2024
Night bus
Entry possibilities according to the plan between Embach and Böckstein
Timetable night bus currently not available
Tauernschleuse - car transport between Böckstein and Mallnitz
Information about the Tauernschleuse  

Online Planner:



Top Package offers & more

Thermal enjoyment 7
from € 970,-

Gesundheitszentrum Bärenhof

Simply unwind, change the scenery and enjoy yourself - that`s what you`ll find in the Bärenhof Health Center in Bad Gastein! .

5=4 Simply enjoy a short week
from € 403,-

Hotel Alpina

Hike across lush green alpine meadows with our hotel’s own hiking guide Christian; as a guest of Hotel Norica, immerse yourself in the health-giving...

Skiing Days in March
from € 398,-

GRUBERS Hotel Apartments Gastein

Discover the ultimate skiing- experience at Residenz Gruber! Enjoy 3 unforgettable days, including a 2-day ski pass and access to the Felsentherme. Experience...

Airport shuttle & Taxi

Airport shuttle & Taxi